
Everyone can study jazz with our brand new program, JMI Remote!

No matter where you are or your ability level… now everyone can study jazz with our brand new program, JMI Remote!

Delivered by Brent Stanton from New York City, JMI Remote is a range of online music courses available through Jazz Music Institute, a place where everyone can study jazz!

The platform focuses on specific study techniques and practice systems to further performance skills. There are several formats, depending on level of interactivity. It is also a valuable resource for music teachers to tap into and pass along to their own students interested in jazz.

COMING SOON: 13th March, 2023

What kind of courses are available?

We offer a range of courses that are available in either one-on-one or group lessons.  You can choose individual lessons for personal attention, or group sessions with your friends or ensemble members.

There are several learning “Tracks” to choose from, each containing 3 levels and approaches – Setting OutBuilding On and Moving Forward, depending on your comfort level or desired focus.

To find out what the specific ‘Tracks’ there are available, head to the JMI Remote landing page.

Who is Brent Stanton?

Brent Stanton is a NYC based musician with a long experience as a jazz and “commercial” musician with a varied career in performing and teaching, who can teach instrumentalists and vocalists of all ages, levels and experience. He will formulate and target the content to the individual, group or ensemble. You can read more about Brent’s musical journey and thoughts on education and performance here.

jmi remote - boy sits in front of a laptop

What are the lessons like?

Each course at JMI Remote is delivered online an a highly focused and individualised setting. Each module will include 4 intensive direct lessons with Brent for at least 1-1.5 hours each.  Lessons can be held as frequently as each student prefers, with lesson times arranged in a flexible manner according to your availability.

You can target specific musical elements that you would like to focus on, and you get to shape your learning journey exactly how you want it. You can schedule lessons when it’s convenient for you in your time zone, time frame from wherever you have an internet connection.

There are also additional resources beyond the lesson, such as tailored “Practice With Me” videos and other supporting materials.

JMI Remote officially launches on the 13th of March!

Are you ready to learn? Here’s how to sign up:

To register for a JMI Remote course, simply complete the online registration form here.  We will be in contact within 2 working days to get you started towards your learning journey with JMI Remote!

Each block of 4 lessons costs $440 incl GST with 3 different payment options (full payment, 2 payments or 4 payments).

Get in touch